Main content
  • October from the Ravensthorpe Road
  • St Mary' Church
  • Vintage Cars at The Red Lion

Working for the Local Community

Website for East Haddon Parish Council

Welcome to the East Haddon Parish Council website. The Parish Council works hard to make East Haddon a great place to live. Our website contains information about what we do and how we conduct our business. Use the search box or browse the site to find what you’re looking for. If you can’t see what you need then please contact us.

This website is here as a village and community site so that it can be central place for people to find out what is happening in our village. If there are any groups in the village who would like to be included in this, or you run something that benefits the village and would like to update the “Latest News” section then please contact us. Anything that you would like to be posted should be village orientated and not advertising, and will be at the website administrators’ discretion.

The picturesque landscapes are important to the council and the communities

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Latest News

Do you support someone with a disability or long term health condition?

Do you support someone with a disability or long term health condition?

Do you support someone with a disability or long term health…
New warning issued following latest courier fraud incident

New warning issued following latest courier fraud incident

Officers at Northamptonshire Police are encouraging people…